About Us

Pray for the Nations

Join us in fulfilling this unfolding mission paradigm

Those of us who have partnered together on this project recognize that we are in a special season (Acts 17:26-27) of history regarding the significant diaspora immigration that is occurring across Canada. This demographic shift is not due merely to governmental policy and intention.  God himself is bringing individuals from the ends of the earth into the "Jerusalems" of Canadian gateway cities. Indigenous peoples in Canada are helping lead the way in addressing this dynamic.

When Dr. Ray Aldred, Director of the Indigenous Studies Program at the Vancouver School of Theology, was asked "what gives you hope for the Church in Canada?" he responded: "the hope of the Church is the Triune God. God with us, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Within this context, Ray also has asked these strategic questions:
"How do we heal in Canada? The Indigenous church asks, ‘How do we transform ourselves through healing?’  The non-Indigenous church asks, ‘What do we do?’  They never ask, ‘Who should I be?’ or ‘How should I change?'"
Could it be that we are now living in the dawning of the fulfillment of this statement? Could it be that God is asking you to reflect upon whom you should be and how you should change, via the P4N project, to get on God's agenda to see immigrants, refugees, and international students migrating to and living on Canadian soil be transformed by the good news of Jesus and be healed also?

Vision Statement

Our vision is to mobilize Canadian followers of Jesus to reach the least reached people group communities in Canadian gateway cities by praying for, serving, evangelizing, and discipling them, so that they make disciples to the ends of the earth through their existing networks and connections in their lands of origin.
From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth;  He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us.
— Acts 17:26-27 (NIV)


P4N harnesses collaborative potential to inform, to create awareness, to catalyze prayer, and to network believers, churches, and mission organizations across Canada to engage individuals from unreached- and least-reached people groups with the good news of Jesus and His kingdom. P4N helps fuel and expand those partnering 'tentacles' and that needed 'reach.' 


The Tigers are Bangladesh's national cricket team. Imagine if one of these Tigers met Jesus through a relative/friend transformed by Jesus in Canada through chai and friendship with a Christian; what if that cricket player also becomes a follower of Jesus and catalyzes  a disciple-making movement in Bangladesh? Join us in praying for & engaging with Bangladeshis & other priority least-reached people groups in Jesus' name!  


The Canadian government has an ambitious goal to welcome 401,000 immigrants in 2021, another 411,000 in 2022, and 421,000 in 2023. We anticipate this projected influx of new Canadians to continue for years to come.
Will the Lord's Church in Canada recognize & engage this incredible opportunity?